can i have some of your love?
can i have some of your love?
can i have some of your love?
can i have some of your love?
okay! this is something ive always wanted to do, honestly. as much as i adore private confessions, i think its nice to see other people write how much they love their friends/partners/ect. it's very cute to me! so i'm gonna do the same!
i was in a very dark and iffy place in my life for a while. after my abuser's actions really set in for me, i felt broken and unloveable. sometimes, i can't help but feel like that even now, years later. but i can always forget my troubles when i'm with bee. she never fails to make me smile and laugh, no matter how bad my day has been.
i genuinely feel like the luckiest person in the universe just because i get to be with him. he's helped me through so much, given me unconditional love and support, and much more. its amazing how close we've gotten in the time we've known each other, she understands me the most, i think!
even as we go through different things in life, i know at the end of the day we can always come back to each other and talk without worry. ruby makes me feel loved and secure regardless of the situation. i never have to truly worry about how he feels about me, or guess if i had upset him, because of how strong our communication is.
and i wouldn't trade that for the world.
i love you so, so much.
back ♥ bee's message
can i have some of your love?
okie... hi!
i think that i am someone who is still a little embarrassed at pda for the most part that isn't sort of memey or jokey, so while i am very excited to do this it did take me a while to get my thoughts together knowing that people aside from neptune would be seeing this!
but he really means a lot to me, more than anything. telling people that i love them really doesnt come natural to me, i think? in my family, love is something thats more shown through physical acts such as gifts or picking up something that made you think of them while you were out! so when i joined the gc where i met neptune i did feel a little out of my element. they were all so out loud with their appreciation and love for each other that it kinda took me a while to get used to it.
anyway! i say all of that because even if my way of showing love is a little different, i always want to make sure that neptune knows that i love it. i want to be able to wake nya up with a nice plate of waffles (because i know he prefers them to pancakes), and make him chicken alfredo on a nice winter day. i want to be able to go to bed at night with it by my side, and get to do it all over again.
hes seen me at my absolute worse, which isnt always ideal, but i feel like no matter what i can come to him and let my true emotions out to him whenever i need to. i want nyan to know that it can always do the same for me, and it has. ive told my older brother about him, and he supports us and honestly wants to meet it one day! even if i think my thoughts are silly, or dumb, he always supports me and i just... never have had that before. not like this. i would never give him up for anything in the world, not even my wildest dreams, because with nyan by my side i know that i can do anything.
i love you very much, neptune.
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